Let me state from the beginning if you are a babylonbee.com follower, you will probably
enjoy "How to be a Perfect Christian." It is written in the true satire of the website. The book is meant to entertain you. If you have a sense of humor and love satire then this book is for you.
If on the other hand, you would rather get your theology from serious writers and main stream books, I recommend you pass on this one. While I will admit, I am not a fan or follower of babylonbee.com, I can see where some like their website. This book takes a humorous, albeit, some will say, irreverent look at what it takes to be a perfect christian in today's world.
The book is not, and I can not stress this enough, meant to be taken seriously. If you are the the type who feels humor and satire have no place in the church or religion, then order "Just As I Am" by Billy Graham.
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