Saturday, October 29, 2011

Courageous: The Movie

     While my blog has been about books, this time I have to add the movie Courageous to my blog.  I was so moved by its message.  "Where are the men of God?"  What have the fathers, the husband, sold out for?  The movie takes a look at what it really means for the men of God to be courageous in the time when doing so is unpopular and costly.
     Perhaps the reason this movie hit home with me is because I failed in the ministry, my family and personal life.  I made the wrong choices and this movie, along with the leading of the Holy Spirit, opened my eyes to the source of my problems.
      I strongly encourage you to see this movie.  Take it to heart and let it change you.  You will not be disappointed.

For the King and the Kingdom!


Desiring God left me still Desiring God with no answers

I have to say from the start "Desiring God" was a disappointment to me.  John Piper Revised Edition needs more revision.  I was lost in its path, like a movie that starts and the end and movies forward, then backward then to the middle.  While the book may not lack substance, it is, in my opinion, too hard to read and to follow for most people.  As the saying goes," you can't judge a book by it's cover," and in this case nor by it's title.

     While I try to find the good in all the books I have read, in this one John spends too much time defending or trying to explain his personal views than giving the readers information that will make them want to desire God.  Sorry to say, in my review, I have to say "Desiring God missed the mark!"

Burn The Ships!

Steven Curtis Chapman sings a song that I heard about the same time I began reading Andy Stanley's, "Enemies of the Heart."  I just confess, the book wasn't what I was expecting.  I was thinking it would deal with perhaps more of the addictions or worldly attributes we all sweep under the rug.

Enemies of the Heart takes the reader on a very pointed, some what person look at the 4 things that stand between you and true christian happiness.

I had a very difficult time accepting some of the things Stanley writes about, but that was because he was talking to me.  Rather than treat the symptoms, Stanley makes you look at the root cause of why you feel the way you do about such things as divorce, job loss, broken friendships.

While I can't say it was an easy or enjoyable read, I will say it was a much needed one.  I recommend anyone who is going through the rough times of life, read this book.