Saturday, November 25, 2017

Whisper by Mark Batterson

Mark Batterson just can't write a bad book!  Like his previous books, once I started reading "Whisper" I could not put it down.  I always enjoy Mark's personal stories that he weaves into his books.  Mark gives solid biblical principles on how to hear the voice of God.

Wonderfully written, Mark lays the foundation needed to understand the power of the whisper and why the whisper is so powerful.
Then, Mark shares how to discover the Seven Languages of God.  Like a radio station, the sound waves are being broadcast, but we do not hear them.  Why?  Because the receiver has to be tuned to the proper frequency.  And the same is true if we want to hear the voice of God.  God is always speaking, but we must be tuned to Gods' frequency in order to hear Him.

Of particular interest to me was the  very first chapter, "The Bravest Prayer".  If you have ever faced a serious health issue this chapter will encourage you to rise up and pray your greatest prayer yet.  What are you afraid that God can't do?  After reading just the first chapter my life was profoundly changed.  God still speaks, we just need to tune out the noise and learn how to hear the voice of God.

“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"

Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Satisfied Soul

I thought I would give John Piper's book, "The Satisfied Soul" a second chance to impress me.  Having read some others by him that were not my cup of tea, I found this one was produced from three previous books Pierced by the WordLife as a Vapor, and A Godward Heart.  There are 120 days of devotionals, two-four pages, each dealing with different topics in which we find our selves dealing with today.  
My issue with this book as well as the others by Mr. Piper, is I do not agree with his Calvinist views.   Having said that there is still some good things to take away from "The Saisfied Soul"   The book can lead you to a deeper study of Gods' word.
I will say this is the first devotional I have read that actually dealt with current world issues including terrorism, racism, mental health, marital challenges, politics, and the media.  While I do not agree with some of the view points, it is still part of the society we live in and we must contend for the faith.
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"